Best Practices in SPSS

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This workshop is a half-day introduction to best practices in SPSS, a GUI-based statistical package that is used in both academia and industry. It is one of the most widely used statistical software packages, especially in the social sciences, and provides a user-friendly interface for quantitative statistical analyses and interpretation. This workshop will introduce participants to data manipulation, calculations, statistical analyses, and how to produce useful graphs and numeric summaries in SPSS. Participants will also learn to write basic syntax commands that can be used to automate analyses and facilitate reproducibility.

Nov 6, 2019 9:00 AM — 12:00 PM
Weldon Instruction Room, Weldon Library, London, Ontario Canada
Clara A. Stafford
Clara A. Stafford
PhD Candidate

My research interests include psychometrics, cognitive assessments and statistical programming in R.

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